Thursday, 15 November 2012

BLACK HAWK MINING BULLETIN ARTICLES: Commodities and Gold Fraud Prevention

Investments in commodities and precious metals can be made indirectly through stocks, mutual funds, ETFs, or derivatives or people can directly buy or sell the commodity or precious metal itself. Commodities may include crude oil, coal, sugar, coffee beans, wheat and other goods.   Precious metals are gold, silver or platinum.  Interest in precious metals has increased in recent years as the price of gold and silver has reached all-time highs. These commodities and gold are bought by investors primarily to hedge against inflation, economic uncertainty, and foreign exchange risk, in the belief that these metals, particularly gold, are repositories of absolute value, whereas paper currencies and securities dominated in such currencies have relative value and are vulnerable to loss.  The high value of gold and commodities lead to easy money for scammers.  It attracts more vigorously of fraudulent activity.  There are many types of common tricks that are actually uncommon to ordinary people.

•          Cash for gold – With the rise in the value of gold due to the financial crisis, there has been a surge in companies that will buy personal gold in exchange for cash, or sell investments in gold bullion and coins. Several of these have prolific marketing plans and high value spokesmen, such as prior vice presidents.  Many of these companies are under investigation for a variety of securities fraud claims, as well as laundering money for terrorist organizations.  Also given that ownership is often not verified, many companies are considered to be receiving stolen property, and multiple laws are under consideration on methods to curtail this.

•          High-yield investment programs – HYIPs are usually just pyramid schemes dressed up with no real value underneath.  Using gold in their prospectus makes them seem more solid and trustworthy.

•          Advance fee fraud – Various emails circulate on the Internet for buyers or sellers of up to 10,000 metric tons of gold.  This is more gold than the US Federal Reserve owns. Often naive middlemen are drafted in as hopeful brokers, and usually mention mythical terms like 'Swiss Procedure' or 'FCO' (Full Corporate Offer).  The end-game of these scams is unknown, but they probably just attempt to extract a small 'validation' sum out of the innocent buyer/seller from their hope of getting the big deal.

•          Gold dust sellers – This scam persuades an investor there is real gold with a trial quantity, then eventually delivers brass filings or similar.

•          Counterfeit gold coins.

•          Shares in fraudulent mining companies with no gold reserves, or potential of finding gold.

•          Gold Party Scam-- Gold parties are typically held in people’s homes, at places of worship, and at schools. The hook used to lure you in is the promise of cash for your unwanted gold jewelry, coins, and other items. The buyer tests your gold and pays you cash on the spot (based on the gold’s purity and weight). Sounds like a good deal, right? WRONG!

New report shows an increase in investment fraud scheme.  If someone asks you to engage in big investments and big payment up-front and you are unsure of their identity, be very cautious.  Be extra careful to those people promising you a 20-25% result.  More often than not most promising deals are created just to attract potential victims.  

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Blackhawk Mines: Mining Scam Prevention

Mining is the process of extracting ore or minerals from the ground.  People started to practice mining many years ago.  At first it was thought to be very helpful to mankind but as the years go by and as we discover many things to mine, the disadvantages of mining also evolved.

The definite advantage of mining is that it brings large amount of profits for the companies doing the mining and jobs for the people.  It supplies raw materials that provide convenience to daily living.  But more disadvantages come along with mining.  The downsides of mining are:  deforestation and pollution after these two is a chain reaction that will only cause troubles to human.  Pollution is just one thing; the damage to both underground and surface environments is as shuttering.  Another thing is the depletion of resources rather than the reuse of existing materials, or use of materials readily available on the surface, these said minerals will take hundred of years in order to generate again.  Plus the dangers that it will cause to men, cave-ins, explosions, gas, radiation sickness, black-lung disease, asbestosis, and silicosis.

India is a very rich country in terms of natural resources.  Mining industry is a major economic activity which contributes significantly to the economy of India.  Mining started here ages ago so it is not surprising that deforestation and pollution are very common in the country.  Due to the growing number of tribulations mining caused, the country struggles for solutions.  
India is the largest producer of sheet mica, the third largest producer of iron ore and the fifth largest producer of bauxite in the world.  India's metal and mining industry was estimated to be $106.4bn (£68.5bn) in 2010.

However, the mining in India is also infamous for human right violations and environmental pollution. The industry has been hit by several high profile mining scandals in recent times.

India suffered so much, what sad is that the people who makes the sufferings are her people as well.  What the government should understand is that they must be focus on issues at a    time; they must give proper distribution of tasks his people so that they may be able to perform their jobs suitably.  Those mentioned earlier were just part of the story; another issue in mining is the scams and frauds.  Scam prevention can only happen if one knows how scam works.  Although mining fraud is rare today, but, as in any type of business, there would still be people who will try to steal money from other people.  Here is how you can prevent yourself from being scammed.
If there is any pressure buy right away, forget it.
The company has a secret or proprietary process to extract gold, silver, or platinum from rock that conventional tests cannot detect.
Instead of selling shares of stock, the company is offering to sell the ore itself, and extract the metal from your ore for a fee. This is known as a “dirt-pile scam.” By not selling shares, the promoters are avoiding regulatory oversight, making it much easier to take your money

Monday, 5 November 2012

Black Hawk Mines Online Games: Quartz Hill Mine - Aikiyo Sudan - Open Salon

Quartz Hill Mine - Front view left

Details include: Interior etched floor boards, interior structure, one piece removable roof, plank siding that is engraved on the exterior wall surfaces, full head frame with moving parts, foundation parts, boiler room doors, windows and doors that can be positioned open or closed and include laser-cut glazing, and an attached boiler room and forge shed!